Sunday, August 10, 2008

How can you believe a confessed lunatic like Darda Gregurev

I have a number of close family members who have been diagnosed with Paranoid Schizophrenia and Schizo-affective Disorders. For me it has been literally a life-long experience of being a carer. My elderly mother now seems to have developed Dementia in addition to her various other ailments which include Paranoid Schizophrenia. It is difficult to diagnose and be clear about the best possible treatment when two such difficult diseases come together. Even my daughter who has been diagnosed with Schizo-affective Disorder and is very protective of other people with serious disorders, is running out of patience with her grandmother. Nothing seems to work and very little help has come my mother's way from the psychiatric profession. She is a survivor of extreme abuse by her family, concentration camps, and migration to Australia. It appears to us that her problems are overwhelming even to the professions intended to deal with it. I would like her last years to be peaceful if not happy but as she often is very suspicious and does not know who we are it is very difficult to reach. She receives medication but the side effects make her Parkinson's Disease worse. I am grateful that you have shared your experience from the inside out. It is the view that is so often missing from the equation. Information really needs to become more widely available. I find even general practitioners are often very ignorant of major aspects of the disease. I have not found a dentist who is willing to attend to my family members without me being present. People really are not out of control unless a combination of circumstances lead to a major crisis. I am so annoyed with the lack of compassion and the level of fear among the public. As a carer I have tried to make myself familiar with the disease and its effects on individuals. I really really really HATE schizophrenia and am waiting for the day when medication can target the disorder more carefully. Thank you for your site. Darda Gregurev <>Adelaide, South Australia Australia - Wednesday, June 24, 1998 at 22:27:54 (EDT

1 comment:

Charlie said...

Ranjit Rana is a psychopath who has read up on the various serious mental illnesses in order to imitate the symptoms. His wish is to continue to get the Australian Defence Force to pay him large sums of money for his self-inflicted paranoid personality. He suffers from an inability or unwillingness to adjust to the Australian way of life. As such he would be far better off back in Nepal and there are thousands of us in Australia who would cheer him on. Now in the past various organisations have paid him off just to get rid of him but this is such a bad precedent as you can see if you check his Australian court cases. He continually has tried to get money without working for it.
Now, he persecutes, harasses, defames, stalks and cyberstalks many people - and my daughter NINA GREGUREV IS JUST ONE SUCH PERSON. NINA NEVER HAD, NEVER WILL, AND DOES NOT HAVE, ANYTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH THIS LUNATIC RANJIT RANA. Instead, we have a Restraining Order out against this little mean minded malicious runt, which of course he totally ignores. He took his appeal to the Supreme Court to deny this Restraining Order. As usual, his case was thrown out,hah hah. Unfortunately Ranjit Rana only harasses reasonably "nice" people - but I live in hope that one of these days he will come up against another psychopath who will break his legs for him. As for being a self-confessed Lunatic - Hey - I think that is exactly what our little man does constantly - RANJIT RANA WANTS TO BE SEEN AS A PSYCHOTIC INDIVIDUAL as that way he THINKS he can win his case against the Australian Defence Force for "MAKING" HIM "INSANE" by giving him a job and putting up with a totally unsuitable, unfit, coward who NEVER took care of his family or OFFSPRING and who continue to HATE RANJIT RANA - as does EVERYONE who ever had the misfortune to cross his path.