Thursday, October 16, 2008

Wedge politics by a mad and failed model named Nina Gregurev

I am fighting for my life and livlihood in Courts. I suffered physical and sexual abuses in St. Xaviers Jesuit School, kathmandu, Nepal. I was molested by the late Father Moran the founder of the Jesuit boarding school. He was invited to Nepal by Gautam Rana's grandfather and Devyani Rana's grandfather. I suffered nervous breakdown and no one believed me.

I joined Australian Army and same types of abuses emerged. I lost everything from marriage to children. I was emasculated and the Family Courts rum by feminazis separated me from my eldest daughter for years alleging that I may molest her too.

I will add more and such now the mad Gregurev family is trying to drive an wedge between me and my family. (Work on progress).

1 comment:

Charlie said...

Ranjit Rana You are a psychopath liar stalker and cyberstalker. How dare you open a blog in the NAME of NINA GREGUREV and use it to harass and defame her and her family constantly. You have a Restraining Order against you - which you as a total idiot took to the SUPREME COURT. You are a failure. Nina Gregurev is WELL, HEALTHY, SUCCESSFUL, AND NEVER HAD AND NEVER WILL HAVE ANYTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH RANJIT RANA.